We carry a large selection of thought provoking reading material covering topics from the metaphysical to most major religions and philosophies from around the world. Shown are some of our favorite titles that we try to always have in stock. Please contact us for availability and current list price.
The Dhammapada: The Path of Perfection(Penguin Classics)
Total Freedom: Essential Krishnamurti Judi Krishnamurti
The Gods of The Egyptians E.A. Wallis Budge
The Book of The Law Aleister Crowley
Everyday Magic Dorothy Morrison
Green Witchcraft Ann Moura
I Ching John Minford
The Book Alan Watts
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary PractitionerScott Cunningham
The Pocket Book Of Stones Robert Simmons
The Holy Quran Syed Vickar Ahamed
The Little Herb Encyclopedia Jack Ritchason
Love Is In The Earth Melody
The Mythical Creatures Encyclopedia Brenda Rosen
Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft Raymond Buckland
Enlightenment Through The Path Of Kundalini Tara Springett
Anna Riva's Candle Burning MagicAnna Riva
The Spirit of Zen Alan Watts
The Druidry Handbook John Greer
Beyond Belief Elaine Pagels
Indian Herbology of North America Alma Hutchens
The Ultimate Guide to The Rider Waite Tarot Johannes Fiebig
The Crystal Bible Judy Hall
The Bhagavad Gita Penguin Classics Laurie Patton
The Alchemists HandbookFrater Albertus
Enochian Magic for Beginners Donald Tyson
Futhark: A handbook of Rune magic Edred Thorsson
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Scott Cunningham
Celestial Gallery Romio Shrestha
The Upanishads Penguin Classic Juan Mascaro
The Smudging and Blessing Book Jane Alexander
The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook Denise Alvarado $24.95 |